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The purpose of the course is to learn the integrated systems for solid and hazardous waste management. Several methodologies are presented for energy and resource recovery according to the circular economy principles and sustainable development goals. The course includes: (1) basic characterization of waste; (2) mechanical and biological treatment; (3) thermal processing; and (4) landfilling. In addition, basic hazardous waste terminology is presenting as well as the hazardous waste compatibility during storage and transport. Last, an overview of technologies for hazardous waste management are also included. The students will conduct a project design for special waste management.

Course type: Semester-Long Course
Duration: 13 weeks (3 hours per week)
Instructor(s): Apostolos Giannis
University offering the course: Technical University of Crete
Semester: Fall/Winter
Language: English
Short Description: The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the integrated systems for solid and hazardous waste management. Several methodologies are presented for energy and resource recovery, according to the circular economy principles and sustainable development goals.
Mobility Type: Specialized Course
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